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Here's a snapshot of me in Puerto Rico!


I first found UX after graduating college with a degree in Anthropology, and I immediately knew it was the right path for me. I had just wrapped up my Honors ethnographic thesis on Prison Tourism in the US ︎︎︎ and completely fell in love with the way qualitative research required me to combine empathy and analysis to tell a story. Shortly after graduating college, I moved to NYC and began an immersive UX Design program. Since then, my love for UX and Product Design has continued to flourish. 

Most recently, I've been working as a UX  Researcher at LexisNexis.

In my spare time, you can find me taking up new hobbies (the most recent being home-brewing kombucha and knitting), exploring the city on my bike, testing out new recipes in the kitchen, being the best dog mom, and dabbling in film photography.
