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Our team was tasked with creating a fitness platform geared towards millennials who desire alternative ways to stay happy, healthy, and active.

We were tasked with defining the UX strategy along with the scope of the platform, starting from the initial research to delivering the final MVP specifications.


6 weeks

My Role

User Research
UX Design

The UX Team

Kaelyn Hartley, Hannah Meltz,
RJ Ferguson,
Anita Chauhan



Analyzing Competitors

We looked at seven direct and indirect competitors and compiled a competitive analysis to understand any trends and gaps in the market. 

We found that although many of the fitness apps provide a wide range of exercises and classes, they don’t break down the benefits beyond calories and aesthetic gains. Only two competitors offered livestream fitness classes, and users really enjoyed personalized content.

User Research Findings

Our team conducted interviews with four Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to gain perspective on the current health and fitness landscape.

We also interviewed eight millennial users to understand their wants, needs, motivations, and frustrations regarding health and wellness. Below are our key takeaways from these interviews.

Synthesizing Our Findings

After interviewing our users, we synthesized our findings with the creation of a persona and a corresponding empathy map.

These exercises helped ground our team so that we could move forward with our specific customer needs in mind.