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TransX Systems for Panera Bread

TransX Systems is a B2B startup that uses IoT beacon technology and smart data in brick-and-mortar retail settings to enhance the consumer experience and increase revenue for retail stores.

TransX asked our team to develop a contactless payment service for the Panera Bread drive-thru experience.


4 weeks

My Role

UX Design
User Research

The UX Team

Kaelyn Hartley,
Anita Chauhan,
Veda Sun


Google Surveys

First Steps

At the start of this project, we were working within a super broad scope. Our client provided us with four contactless payment products (Tap-and-Go, Pin-and-Go, Scan-and-Go, and Click-and-Go) and three use case scenarios aside an array of brick-and-mortar clients that served vastly different audiences. It was our task to focus in on pursuing the best option — backing that decision up with a busy week’s worth of domain and user research.

Here’s our findings:

Defining the Problem

Consumers who are concerned about pathogen transfer need a fast and secure contactless payment system that works in a drive-thru setting because they value convenience along with their health.

Laying the Groundwork

After defining the problem at hand, we created a user task flow. This exercise helped ground our team so that we could move forward with specific actions and goals in mind. It also helped us to understand what this process might look like as we developed solutions.